Tuesday 23 July 2013


There was no sign of Milo when my aunt and I reached my home in Ipoh on Saturday morning. Usually she would be bounding over from her house the moment I get out of my car to draw open the gate. I thought to myself that Milo would have gone gallivanting around the neighbourhood.
Later in the evening when my aunt and I got back from having dinner, our canine friend rushed over to welcome us.  We played with her for a while and as it was getting late, I had to usher her out and lock the gate.  However the little doggy just sat outside the gate.  It was only after I shut the door that she went back to her own house.
Early the next morning when I was in the garden, Milo rushed over to play with me.  Well!  It looks like Milo has decided to fill the space in my heart left empty by the demise of her pal, Angel.

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