Wednesday 24 July 2013


In conjunction with the month of Ramadhan where the Muslims have to fast from dawn till dusk, my colleagues and I who are members of this Programme with the theme, "Ramadhan: A Month of Good Deeds" have planned a few activities.  One was the exhibition and the other was the collection of contributions to buy clothes for the orphans and needy.  I also got the help of the religious teacher to help come up with a pamphlet for this programme.
We carried out the third activity today, that is, to contribute and prepare food for the resource centre committee members to break fast.  Actually this is one of the good deeds that one is recommended to do during this month to gain more merits.
We had actually prepared most of the food at home.  We packed the food at around 2.30 p.m. just before going back time.  The committee members came and collected their food for breaking fast from 2.45 p.m. to 3.30 p.m.
Next week, my friends and I will finish collecting the contributions from everyone and then we will be bringing the 24 orphans and needy children to the store to buy Hari Raya clothing on Wednesday at around 4.00 p.m.  On Thursday, we plan to visit 50 old folks at the Manabi'ul Ulum Religious Centre to distribute Raya Goodie bags to them.  Also planned is a Quiz on the month of Ramadhan.
All the activities planned for the programme are in line with the theme of doing good deeds like visiting the elderly, contributing to the orphaned and needy, preparing food for people to break fast and showing care and love to our fellow human beings.

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