Saturday 8 June 2013


The day I reached Manjung from Singapore was a hot day indeed.  By mid-day it was scorching and when I saw an ice-cream man peddling outside my gate I called out to him.  When selecting the ice-cream of my choice, I complained to him that the day was mighty hot and I felt tired because of it.
Well, the man told me that one should also take advantage of such a hot day by putting out the clothes to dry.  He said that they'd dry in no time.  I had put a load of clothes in the washing machine and had intended them to dry them at the back but when I heard what he said I took all the wet clothes and put them outside to dry.  True enough, all the clothes were dried within a few hours.
The moral of the story is that we should try to look at the positive side of a situation.  For the ice-cream man such a type of day is a blessing as he gets to sell more ice-cream.

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