Thursday 6 June 2013


One of the most enjoyable activities for me at Jeju Island was watching the Nanta Show. It was really, really fun to watch with nary a boring moment.  The actors were good and the girl was real eye-candy.
Believe me when I say that the show was worth spending the money and time. Everyone in the audience was clapping and laughing.  There was not much talking but lots of action.  There was also interaction with the audience as well.  The words spoken were mostly in English.

Here is information about the Nanta Cookin' Show.
This is a South Korean non-verbal comedy show that incooperate traditional samul nori rhythm.
The musical has a simple back story of three cooks attempting to finish preparing a wedding banquet within a strict time limit while the manager installs his incompetent nephew among the kitchen staff. The show involves acrobatics, magic tricks, comedy, pantomime and audience participation. The unifying element throughout the musical is the use of traditional Korean samul nori music, which in this case in performed with improvised instruments, such as cutting boards, water canisters and kitchen knives. The performance is almost completely non-verbal. The very few words which are spoken are mostly in English.

The audience were allowed to take pictures before the start of the show but when the lights dimmed, no cameras were allowed.  This was for copyright reasons.  You can see me posing in front of the stage above.

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