Sunday 9 June 2013


 Kimchi making was on the list of activities that I did at the Korean Traditional Cultural Village.  We had an instructor teach us how to make it.  He started by explaining in Mandarin about this national dish of the Koreans and went on to introduce the ingredients.  Prior to that the tour guide had already given us a talk on Kimchi and so we already had some background knowledge of it.
Then he proceeded to demonstrate how to go about preparing the Kimchi.
 Tada, you can see me with my finished product in the pictures above and below.

 Those who wanted to order Kimchi had to fill in a form which my niece was doing in the picture.  One packet is 10,000 won.
Here I am with the Kimchi cooking instructor.  He is not a South Korean but a Chinese national working there.
 The Kimchi that I made is in the picture above.  The one below was done by Kelley.
If you want to give making your own Kimchi a try, then click this LINK for the recipe.

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