Thursday 25 April 2013


When it comes to politics, I declare myself to be apolitical. Apolitical? This simply means that I have no interest or involvement in political affairs. As a matter of fact you can say I have an aversion to politics or political affairs.  With the 13th General Elections around the corner, one can hear political talks everywhere.
I went to one such yesterday night.  I must clarify that I am not a member of any political party but I do exercise my right as a voter.  I have voted in every general election from the time I turned 21.  
In my case I will vote for a candidate who will serve the people and not because he or she is from a particular party.  
The reason I attended the talk last night was because the candidate who will be vying for the state seat is someone whom I know and have great faith in.  When I had problems with the rusty pipes in my new house, I sought Mr Ting Tai Fook's help and he promised to do something. I saw him a second time and he said that he would help highlight my case in the press. However I did not hear from him for a month after that and thought that he had forgotten about me.  To my surprise he called me after a few weeks to meet him at the service centre to confirm a suitable date to meet the press.  It was at the centre that I found out that he was involved in an accident and had to have surgery to remove a blood clot from his brain.  Wow!  I was really overwhelmed that his young man made good his promise a few weeks after he had surgery.  I was really touched and truly impressed.  Another time I needed funds for the Herb Garden and approached him to help me apply for financial aid and again he came through for me.  As I live in Sitiawan, I know of others whom he had helped. Unfortunately, I am not registered to vote in his constituency but I give him my support.  As I said before, my vote goes to the candidate who can serve the people, regardless of whatever political party he or she may belong.

By the way, there was a lucky draw during the talk and I got a pack of Milo.  This is all because I lent my support to a promising young man who said in his speech that he was not really a politician but more a person who aims to serve the people.

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