Saturday, 27 April 2013


Remember this cute character Bento that I made from Nasi Dagang?  Well, I actually did it for my friend Ustaz Syed Sharim whom I fondly call Adik Syed or Little Brother Syed.  This is because he likes to call me Makcik or Auntie.
 Ustaz Syed is in my good books and deserves to be pampered.  He is someone I admire for he has earned my respect for his willingness to help those in need and for his kindness. This big bear of a man has a lot on his shoulders.  After work, he helps to run a Pondok (religious institution) for religious studies and also to house orphans, the destitute, the elderly and those in need.  Heavy is the burden on his shoulders as he needs to look for funds to run the pondok.
Long after my other colleagues and I have gone home to rest after work, the dear Ustaz would be going around doing God's work and also to look for funding for charitable causes.  I certainly don't have the drive and commitment that he possesses.  That is why Kamariah and I would make sure that we supply him with delicious and nutritious food as we much as we can so that he can carry on with the good work that he does.

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