Thursday 11 April 2013


 It had been a couple of months since I last visited the Jade Emperor Temple at Gunung Layang-layang.  I was surprised to see that there were a few flag posts installed along the stairs leading up to the temple.  At a closer look, the flags had numbers written on them.  If you see such flags at a Taoist temple, it would most probably mean that a devotee had won quite a lot of money after getting a winning number there and had the flag made to show thanks.
 The blue flag had the number 312 printed on it and in Chinese it mentioned that the person struck it rich punting on that number.

My guess was that the punters would most probably have had used a set of prophecy stakes with numbers 0 to 9 to get lucky numbers from the deity Tua Pek Kong whose altar is situated at the foot of the hill.  Here you can see two punters getting their lucky numbers by shaking the stakes placed in a hollow bamboo container.

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