Thursday 28 February 2013


Muhkriz (left) and Vasan (right)
My students Vasan and Mukhriz grew up in the town and have not much experience in gardening.  As a matter of fact, Vasan told me that it was his first time planting something.  For your information, he helped to plant a white hibiscus.
Actually there is a story of how Vasan came to help with the planting.  You see I had gone to his class early yesterday morning for the English Language lesson.  During the lesson, I had asked permission for my students to sit instead of stand as I sprained my back while doing the gardening at the Herb Garden the previous evening.  It was during the lesson that Vasan teased me that I was no longer 20 years old and should leave the heavy stuff to the young ones.  Well, I turned the tables on him and asked him to help me with the planting during his break time.  That was how he came to do the planting.
This morning Vasan came to see me in the library and told me that he was having back pains.  Ah Ha!  I took the chance to tease him back by saying that not only old ladies get back aches doing gardening.  He replied, it was Karma "What goes around, comes around".  Huhuhu.

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