Tuesday 19 February 2013


Going to the Pasar Malam or Night Market is a fun outing for me.  There is so much to see and also to buy.  The great thing is that the things sold are very much affordable.  The picture above was taken at the Kampung Dato Kamarudin Pasar Malam on Monday evening.
I also get to meet a lot of my friends, colleagues, acquaintances and students while walking along the stretch of the night market.  The cute little baby girl above is  Haji Hasnin's grand-daughter.  I met him and his daughter, Idliana there.  
Besides food, pets like rabbits are also sold.  You can see the cute baby Angora Rabbits above.
One can also find traditional kuih like Kuih Bakar at the night market.  At 50 sen each, they are cheap.

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