Wednesday, 12 December 2012


It is now 12.12 p.m. on the 12th day of the 12th month of the 12th year of the new millennium.  Mind you this date occurs once in every hundred years and once in our life times.
For those who don't know, 121212 is World Day of InterConnectedness.

On December 12, 2012, the world will celebrate the simple fact that we are all interconnected and we are all parts of one living system called Planet Earth. During 24 hours starting at noon in every time zone, this will be manifested in a multitude of events on every continent, carried out by individuals, groups, communities, organizations, businesses and cities. It will be a truly global event on a unique date with people participating in their homes, in parks or in the city square, through concerts, ceremonies, seminars or on-line events.

The World Day of Interconnectedness serves as a joyful reminder that we as humans share the same origins – we are even related to other species – as well as the same destiny on ‘spaceship’ Earth. What we do to one part of the system affects everything else, our influence is greater than we have thought. This is in fact good news: Just in the same way we have caused the global crisis of our times, we can co-create a sustainable, just and fulfilling world.

The message of interconnectedness is now heard from a wide range of sciences such as ecology, biology, physics, brain research, psychology and sociology. This understanding is very different from the old worldview of the industrial age, in which we perceived the world as a big machine with separate parts. Some claim that the shift in thinking we are currently going through as humanity, is just as profound as when the earth ‘became’ round.

“When our worldview shifts, our thinking, choices and actions change accordingly,” says 121212 co-founder Niklas Högberg, Sweden. He continues: “The sense of being part of a living, complex and interconnected system fosters a deep respect for all expressions of life, which in turns dampens tendencies to over-consumption and over-exploitation. We can no longer view nature as merely resources.”

Co-founder Leo Sonneveld adds “The consciousness of interconnectedness results in a drive to do good for the whole. On a practical level this means that we choose to act with integrity, leaving everything whole and unharmed. This shapes a world that works for all.”

One manifestation of this emerging worldview is The Rights of Nature, today embraced by Ecuador and Bolivia as well as several cities in the US and around the world. Some of the events on 121212 will focus on these rights. Others will highlight the preservation of local eco systems, among them Galapagos, or sustainable solutions in the fields of energy or economy. Businesses will set aside part of their profits to environmental or social projects, and create plans to produce with zero waste. Restaurants and canteens will serve lunches of local and organic food, and at the tables people will discuss what the new worldview means in practice. Seminars will be offered on the opportunity to co-create a sustainable future.

World Day of InterConnectedness is carried out as a collaboration between the Co-Creative Initiative in Sweden and the InterConnectedness Foundation in the Netherlands, who initiated and organized the previous World Days of Interconnectedness on 090909, 101010 and 111111. While it is a non-profit, non-political and non-religious initiative, it is inclusive and open to any organization, company or individual wishing to share and contribute to the purpose of the day.

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