Saturday, 14 July 2012


I took these pictures of me with the Frog Purse specially to show to my friend, Spring, who sent it to me.  She knew that I was hunting high and low for it and got me one as I had blogged about it.  For those who are new to the blog, I got the tip from visiting Master Lynn Yap's blog.  She mentioned that one can make ones money grow by keeping money in it.  That was why materialistic me (heh! heh!) wanted to have one.  I actually managed to buy one from a gift shop recently but then it was not as nice as the one Spring sent me.  Now this one is really in the shape of the frog.  Thank you, thank you, thank you.
Yeah!  I will be putting money in it on an auspicious date and if I become rich, I will be able to visit Spring and her family in America.  Yahoo!!!


Pak Oncu said...


Miss Cheah said...

Yeh! I managed to visit your interesting blog just now.

Ted Huang said...

Finally you gotten a lucky froggie wallet !! luck will soon follow you :>

Miss Cheah said...

May what you say come true. Yessss