Tuesday 14 February 2012


The duration of one period for classes in the college that I work in is 60 minutes. If it is a double period then it means that the students and lecturers will be in class for 2 solid hours.
Yesterday morning I had a double period with the students of 5VE2. During the first period we did Reading Comprehension and it was indeed quite taxing for everyone. I noticed that the boys and girls were feeling lethargic and sleepy at the end of the first hour in class. So, I decided to teach my second lesson in a wide open area which was surrounded by plants and greenery. The boys and girls had to do a summary exercise. Believe me, the fresh air and sunshine did them good. The rays from the sun helps to kill germs.
By the way, sun light is Yang Qi and would drive away evil spirits as well.

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