Friday 17 February 2012


In the college Herb Garden grows the Aloe Vera plant.  Now this plant is helpful in treating skin diseases The gel of aloe vera leaf is good for treating skin rashes, insect bites, herpes simplex, burns, acne, bedsores, ringworm and painful shingles.  It is also good for healing wounds and prevents from infection. It increases the strength of collagen which is required in building of damaged tissues. Aloe Vera is also good for the treatment of psoriasis, eczema, in the treatment of acid burns, radiation burns and frostbite. If one is affected by sunburn, then one or two cups of fresh aloe juice can be added to the lukewarm water. After taking bath, apply aloe gel to the affected areas.

A couple of days ago, one of my students came and ask me for a leaf or two from the Aloe Vera plant.  He had some rashes on the skin of his neck and was advised by his friends to use this herbal treatment.  
In the pictures below, you can see the rashes on the neck of my student.
In the pictures below you can see the gel from a cut aloe vera leaf.

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