Saturday 28 January 2012


I bought my godson, Amir, a Dragon t-shirt.  Red sure suits him.  His daddy matched the red dragon t-shirt with a pair of red pants. Wah!  Sooo red.  The little boy is in a Chinese New Year mood as I sent him and his daddy some festive food.  He also got some toys as presents from me.
Though both of us are wearing Dragon t-shirts, theYear of the Dragon will only arrive on February 4, 2012 at 1840 hours or 6.40 p.m.. The first day for the Chinese New Year is on January 23, 2012 but children born on this day until 1839 hours or 6.39 p.m. on 4th February are still considered to belong to the Rabbit Zodiac.
Actually there is a very common misconception that the Zodiac animal signs begin on Chinese New Year day. In actual fact, the Zodiac animal signs begin from the Start of Spring, the first day of the astrological year.
To learn more, please click this LINK.


山城大熊 said...

you are absolutely right! The local newspaper were reporting how many dragon baby in the first day of CNY, is actually misleading! In fact, it is normally confusing on the Chinese Zodiac for those who born in the end Dec / early Jan of the Lunar Calendar.

Miss Cheah said...

As long as the media keep reporting such untruths, the misconceptions will continue.