Monday 30 January 2012


Aunt Linda, Li Mei and I have noticed that my mum is getting better.  As we approach Lup Chun or Spring day, my mum seems to become a bit more alert and also more cheerful.  In the pictures that I took of her yesterday, you can see her smiling prettily in the photographs.
Now why is this day so special for my family?  My dear friends, it is because Lup Chun signifies the start of spring and the beginning of a new year.  This is when our age goes up by one year.  Spring Day is also the first day of the Dragon Year.
You might say, 'So what?'  Believe me, this is a very important date for my family as it means my mum will be 80 years old in Chinese age.  This means that she has passed the 79 year mark which is a critical age for the Chinese.  As my mother was born in the year of the Rooster, her zodiac sign clashed with that of the Rabbit and that had caused her to become ill.  She complained of all sorts of aches and illnesses and became very depressed.  My family and I fear that she might be suffering from dementia and might lose her marbles altogether.  However, a few sifus have said that she was only going through a bad phase and would become her normal self once the Dragon starts to reign and her age increases by a year.
So my family are keeping our fingers crossed that the sifus' predictions will come true.  Only 5 days more to go ...


ennie said...

Where is this place? Is it a temple? Congratulations for yr mum's health improvement. it's all bcos of yr patience, tolerance & faith in taking care of her. the chinese saying "yong-sin-liang-khu" (don knw if i said it correct).

Miss Cheah said...

I am afraid my mum's state of mind took a turn for the worse this morning. She has been saying things that are not true and making life miserable for my two nephews.

Miss Cheah said...

The place is Ipoh Swimming Club.