Thursday 26 January 2012


"Feng Shui for Betrayal, Jealousy and Deceit -- 9 Ways to Protect Yourself and Your Name"

It's frustrating when you become ill and annoying when finances are tight, but few things compare to the feeling of betrayal by a friend. 

When a friend lets you down, the feeling of shock and disappointment can be hard to bounce back from. Even the green-eyed monster of jealousy can make you feel vulnerable and disillusioned.

In many countries the envy and jealousy of another is called the "evil eye." This type of attention is believed to draw energy from you and to encircle you with negative energy that can cause you loss.
A good example is when someone secretly covets a pretty necklace that you're wearing, you might find the necklace breaks or that you lose it.

You could also be the subject of gossip and politicking at work or in social circles. In 2012, the gossip star, the Jade 3, is in the southwest sector of relationships and women and this could put strain on women in the coming year -- especially for women who are the sole earner or family breadwinner. It could even cause lawsuits.

Protecting yourself will be critical in this year.

This year, in 2012, women will be both the source and the victim of the problems caused by the Jade 3. The 3 Killings can also cause legal problems, backstabbing and gossip. That's why it's so critical to face it each year because it is a "sneaky" type of affliction associated with deceit and treachery.

Below are some feng shui remedies to help you in the face of betrayal and gossip.

1. Stimulate support luck. Offset negative tendencies of others by enhancing the earth element. Be sure to add stones and earth elements in the center sector for firm financial luck. This will stimulate good relationships and support from benefactors.2. Burn up arguments. Wood is most known as the element of growth and stability. But every element has its positives and negatives. For wood, the negative quality is anger. This can cause unhappiness in love and relationships and create ill will from women. Perhaps worse still is the potential for legal problems that comes with the 3 Jade. If your home faces southwest, or if your bedroom or home office is in the southwest, this is especially true! Use red colors or place a Ksitigarbha fireball here to stop gossip, slander, arguments and legal problems.

3. Face your critics head on. Be sure to face south this year and do not sit with your back to the south or you will suffer from the 3 Killings affliction. By adding crystals to the south, such as crystal balls, you will help to smooth out ruffled feathers. Social contacts will be more amiable and less critical.

4. Be careful of jealousy. Jealousy is a withering kind of emotion. It draws and drains your life force. It's the way you feel when someone is staring at you when your back is turned. You can feel the burn of their gaze. Stop jealousy and envy with the evil eye. This is especially good to carry if your house faces northwest, you sleep in the northwest, or if you have frequent problems with jealous friends or family members.

5. Burn up excess wood. Sometimes wood energy goes well past idle gossip and can become truly damaging. This is the case in 2012 where the 3 Jade star falls in the earth sector of the southwest where the wood can take root and cause a lot of damage. The best way to handle the 3 star is to exhaust it by burning it up. A candle or bright light can stop this energy that can lead to legal tangles. If you have a front door that faces where the 3 Jade falls, it also helps to carry a red triangle dragon amulet or display a Ksitigarbha fireball.

6. Enlist a protector. If you were ever bullied as a child and a stronger, bigger child came to your aid, you'll understand the energy I'm talking about here. Having a strong man whose fierceness gives you a measure of security is the perfect protection against the 3 Killings, an energy that likes to sneak up on you and prey on your weakness. Kwan Kung is a fierce general whose countenance is believed to ward off treachery and bad intentions merely by his look alone. Fu dogs and the fierce pi yaoare also good guardians to post at the front door if your home faces south, southwest, or southeast or northwest.

7. Stay strong. Ever have friends who are your friends, that is, until you have a problem? Health is wealth and sometimes when you're not well, your friends can look down on you at the time you need them the most. Anyone with a house facing southeast, southwest, north, or northwest should be aware that your health can take a hit this year. Carry a wu luo amulet to protect health (and wealth!) in 2012.8. Add water to stop slander. If your home, office, or bedroom are in the northwest, this could be a rough year. The 7 Red star of violence is headed in this direction and can cause problems besides robbery and theft. The 7 is the number associated with the mouth and you might find that malicious gossip and scandalous things will be said about you. This is the year to carry a water amulet and display rhinoceros and elephant figures to stop the libel in its tracks.

9. Get better friends. If you find that your friends are really "frenemies" (enemies that act like friends) then you'll want to seek out those who support you. A good start is with your Chinese zodiac sign. You'll want to choose friends whose horoscope signs are compatible with yours. Another is to carry an amulet of your horoscope allies. (We'll be getting a new shipment of these in about a week, so stay tuned!).

Check the table below for the zodiac signs that support and encourage you.

Rat Dragon and Monkey
Ox Snake and Rooster
Tiger Horse and Dog
Rabbit Sheep and Pig
Dragon Monkey and Rat
Snake Rooster and Ox
Horse Dog and Tiger
Sheep Pig and Rabbit
Monkey Rat and Dragon
Rooster Ox and Snake
Dog Tiger and Horse
Pig Rabbit and Sheep

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Kathryn Weber is the publisher of the Red Lotus Letter Feng Shui E-zine and certified feng shui consultant in classical Chinese feng shui. Kathryn helps her readers improve their lives and generate more wealth with feng shui. For more information and to receive her FREE Ebook "The Cash Register at Your Front Door" visit and learn the fast and fun ways feng shui can make your life more prosperous and abundant!

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