Sunday 29 January 2012


 My Auntie Linda's Chinese birth date falls on the 7th day of the first lunar month which happens to be Ren Re.  Though the date of birth in her identity card is 30 January, she has been celebrating her special day according to the lunar calendar.
This year, my sister Li Mei who happens to be Aunt Lindas' god-daughter gave her godma a birthday treat at the Ipoh Swimming Club Restaurant.  My Aunt ordered Chicken Chop but then I ordered an extra plate of fried noodles as it is a Chinese tradition to eat noodles during ones birthday as it symbolises longevity.
 Aunt Linda and the pair of Angel Lights given to her by Li Mei.
 Benjamin and my mum 

 Aunt Linda was touched by the words written by Li Mei on her birthday card.
 Me and the birthday girl

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