Wednesday 23 November 2011


Look at the picture of the two houses above. Notice that the land on the house on the left side is higher then the house on the right side. The left side symbolizes Dragon and the right side represents Tiger. In Feng Shui one should not let the Tiger side be stronger then the Dragon. Why? Because such a situation will create problems for the occupants of the house; like arguing, family disagreement and so on. Also if the Tiger side is higher than the Dragon this would mean not having helpful friends in your undertakings. What to do? Try to plant tall trees on the left hand side of the garden so the Dragon energy can be stronger then the Tiger.
In the case of the house on the right above, it enjoys good feng shui as the land on the left is higher which connotes the Green Dragon.  This allows for good support and prosperity as the Green Dragon will be able to help generate good fortune.
Note: The Dragon side (the left side taken from within the plot looking out towards the street/road)

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