Wednesday 9 November 2011


In Feng Shui,the most ideal shapes of houses are rectangle and square shapes. However, I notice that there are many houses especially apartments and condos that irregularly shaped and have one or more corners missing.
Look at the house above, the southeast is missing. Some Feng Shui masters associate a missing piece of the house with a particular ailment and for the house without this sector, the ailments are stomach problems, nervous diseases, neuralgia, chronic fatigue especially for the eldest daughter.

Here is a bit of information on how to counter a house with a missing southeast sector

The wealth corner of your home or any room is the southeast corner. If you are missing the wealth corner---the building cuts in at that point---or if you want to attract more prosperity, place a three-legged frog sculpture with a coin it its mouth in the area that should be the wealth section. If possible, the frog should sit diagonally from a door. Or tie three, six or eight Chinese coins (reproduction coins will do) with a red ribbon and hang them in the area. If your yard slopes away from the wealth corner of your home, station a light fixture to shine up on the southeast corner of the house for several hours each day to shore up good fortune.

Source: Cures for Missing Areas in Feng Shui |

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