Wednesday 23 November 2011


Feng Shui for Exterior Environment

When you remove the weed, make sure that you have uprooted all of it and not to "graze " the top-growth. Otherwise it will soon re-grow. If the roots and sees are not removed, luck and fortune will pass you by.
Houses facing bridge or built near a bridge will lead to poor wealth luck. There will be unexpected financial losses.
If you have a willow tree in your courtyard, or are living near to a willow tree, it may lead to the "peach blossom sha" (ie. there will be third party in the marital relationship).
Dead plants are very inauspicious sign and the negative chi will accumulate here. It's better to remove them immediately.
If the windows or main door of your house is directly facing another house, there will be Sha Chi. This effect is even more negative if the the houses are close to each other.
You can block the Sha Chi by planting some trees between the houses.
If there is a nest of ants on a tree near your house, it is inauspicious. You may face many more obstacles in your career or business, and you may be sabotaged in your work place.


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