Monday 12 September 2011


Fatt Koe or Steamed Rice CakeFatt Koh is a must for Chinese during prayers. ‘Fatt’ means prosperity and on the first and fifteenth of the Chinese calendar, the housewives would head to the market to buy Fatt Koe to be placed as offerings for the deities.  The ones shown above are sold at my school canteen.

Want to try your hand at making Fatt Koe, then copy the recipe below:


Ingredients :
250gm rice flour
150gm sugar
300ml water
1 tbsp dried yeast
2 tsp ENO
A few drops of colouring (depends on which colour you want)

Method :

1. Mix rice flour, yeast, sugar and water in a mixing bowl. Cover the bowl with a cling film and keep for 1 day to ferment outside room temperature.

2. Once it is fermented the batter will double in size. Use a spoon and give it a good stir and add in few drops of colouring. Then add in ENO and mix well.

3. Line a paper cup in a muffin cup. Fill the cup with the batter to almost full. Then use a knife and cut a cross on top of the batter.

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