Tuesday 13 September 2011


Filial Piety of Tung Wen (176 B.C.)

His father dies but Tung Wen has no money to bury his father. He therefore sells himself as a slave to a rich man. While on the way to the rich man to work, he meets a kind girl who begs to be his wife and who wants to work as a weaver at the rich man's house in his place. After she repays his debt, she then says goodbye to her husband and flies up to the Heaven. He then begins to know that she is no common vulgar girl.
Many would like to have a fairy girl as their wife but very few can be true filial sons.
No money to bury his father,
As a poor slave he sells his body.
With weaving work, she returns it for him,
She is sent by God, a fairy Lady.
SOURCE: http://www.yogichen.org/cw/cw43/bk144.html

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