Tuesday 13 September 2011


My friend Haji Hasnin is mourning the death of his 90 year old father who passed away during the weekend.  He is actually on three days compassionate leave but turned up in school to collect the English language Trial Examination papers for the classes that he teaches.
For your information, Haji Hasnin's birthday was yesterday, the 12th of September and that of his daughter is on the 11th.  His late father passed away on the 10th.  Actually, I was told that sometimes either very good or very bad things happen on or around ones birthday. My Aunt Cheah Moy died on one of my birthdays.  On another birthday I was the victim of a snatch thief. That is why I make it a point to go to the temples to pray during my birthday and to do a lot of charity around that time.

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