Wednesday 31 August 2011


 I was at the Ipoh Stadium Bazaar Ramadhan on Monday afternoon.  It was the last day of the month of Ramadhan and many of the stall operators had ceased operations.  Perhaps, some had already packed and gone back to their Kampungs to celebrate Hari Raya Aidil Fitri with their loved ones.
 There weren't many stalls and not many people.  There were more Chinese than Malays buying the food.
 This operator was wrapping the fried Beehoon for me.  The noodles were freshly cooked and smelt delicious and that was why I couldn't resist buying a packet.  It cost me only RM1.50.
 The noodles doesn't score in presentation but it sure tasted good.
 Grilling lamb.
 BBQ Lamb
 Note that colouring had been added to the drinks sold to make them more attractive.  I wonder if it is healthy?

 Fried Chicken

Nasi Tomato

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