Wednesday 29 June 2011


My mum hasn't been feeling well lately and it has gotten my family members and me very worried.  She hasn't been eating well and is feeling very weak.  Her doctor suspects that she is becoming a bit senile and is acting up to seek attention.  
That is why I too haven't been too happy lately as I keep worrying about my mum.  That was why I decided to go to the Kuan Yin Temple in Lumut to obtain blessings from the Goddess for my mum.  Besides the offering of joss-sticks and prayer papers, I also lit a lotus candle on my mum's behalf.  Before I lit the candle I said a prayer to the Goddess to make my mum well and quickly be her normal self again.  
In the spiritual sense, the act of lighting candles symbolises illumination, optimism and also blessings from the Divine Beings.  The light of the candle is believed to give ones life-force a lift.    
I will be buying more candles and lighting them in other temples to help illuminate my mum's spirit.  I am certain that by doing so, the Divine Beings would grant my wish.

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