Thursday 2 June 2011


I am sure that like me, there are many out there who would Ooh and Ahh at the sight of the good looking South Korean entertainers.  In their case, their face (and bodies) are their fortunes.  That is why there is this great pre-occupation with looking good for them.  
Here is an interesting article about associating the shapes of the body with letters of the alphabet.

Just in case you're wondering, this has nothing to do with ancient acupuncture meridians.
It's instead about today in modern South Korea, where it's become so commonplace to hear the terms S-Line and V-Line mentioned on television that the locals there might be astonished to learn that not many outside of Seoul are that familiar with the Korean practice of classifying Asian body shapes by assigning them letters from the Latin alphabet.
With the best letters already taken, the newest Korean body lines have begun employing numbers, objects with well-known shapes (most notably glass containers), and food items as their descriptors.

Letters...S-Line - Ample breasts and buttocks when viewed from the side
V-Line - A slim and oval face narrowing towards the chin
V-Line (second use) - The line in-between the breasts
W-Line - Breasts viewed from the front
X-Line - Long legs and arms connected by a narrow waist
U-Line - Exposed lower back in low cut clothing
M-Line - A "six pack" of abdominal muscles on men
D-Line - A pregnant (or pregnant-appearing) abdomen
B-Line - Big breasts, big abdomen
O-Line - Generalized obesity

Numbers...8 Line - S-line married to a tiny waist, a shape sometimes mistakenly referred to as the X-line described above
1/8 Line - More accurately, "8 Deung-Shin," which indicates a face so small that it accounts for only 1/8 of the body

According to the Korean Agency for Technology and Standards:
Beer Bottle Line - Narrow, dropped shoulders and overall flab
Jar Line - Loss of a well-defined waist

Food...While not exactly a "line," food terms are being used in similar ways:
Egg line - Oval-shaped face that is not quite as sharp at the chin as the V-line described above
Honey thighs - Immaculate, smooth skin over the female thigh (or you might say the opposite of "cottage cheese")
Chocolate abs - A "chiseled" abdomen, similar to the M-line described above

With more sure to come...Here are a few we've encountered that haven't yet caught on:
Y-Line - Giant breasts, rest of the body tiny (think overdone implants)
Zero-Line - Stick-thin head to toe (think anorexia)
And here are two new ones that we just thought up:
US-Line - Fuller female curves so popular in the United States
I-Line - Contours around the eyes, not just the crease (also, eyeline)

To read the full article, click this link.

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