Friday 22 April 2011


 During Friday assembly in school this morning, there was a bit of a technical hiccup at the beginning. One of the teachers had prepared a Power Point presentation of an activity to show to everyone.  Unfortunately, she only arrived at the hall 5 minutes before assembly was to begin. 
She had trouble getting the LCD projector to work and there was no picture appearing on the screen. Two of the boys who were in charge of the P.A. System came to her assistance.
It was indeed a nerve wrecking time for both Syakir and Helmi as the principal had arrived and assembly was starting.  However, the electronic gadget refused to work.  Then prayers were said and the teacher in charge took to the podium. 
 Daunting though the situation may be, both of them remained calm and did their best to make connection from the laptop to the LCD projector.
 Hmm ... both boys are looking pensive here.  They were trying hard to figure out what to do to quickly get the thing working as the presentation was to begin after the speech by the teacher in charge.
Both the boys were already sweating here.  Unfortunately, the zooming function of my camera did not manage to capture their sweat.
At last. The picture appeared on the screen.  See the happy smiles on both their faces.  I felt proud of both my boys as they showed their mettle and were able to work under duress. 

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