Thursday 21 April 2011


 The debaters that were trained by Kamariah, Hasnin and I did not fare too well during the competition last weekend.  Nevertheless, they gave their all.  The better team became the champion. 
As a way of thanking and rewarding them, I specially cooked Laksa Singapore as a treat for the 2 girls and 5 boys.  However, one of the boys, Baron, did not eat the Laksa as he was fasting today.  Nevertheless, I packed the food for him to take back and share with his grandma in the evening.
 Here you see three of them, Azmira, Shuhada and Haikal enjoying the curry noodles plus the papaya herbal drink that I had cooked for them.  They had their food in the scenic area outside the library.
 Here I am with Farez and Nazirul.
 Sharvin, me and Nazirul
Sharvin, Nazirul and Farez really enjoyed the curry noodles and requested for a second helping which I duly obliged.  They drank up both the bowls of curry that were served to them.  Yeah!  That made me very proud.  Kee Kee!  Shows that they like my cooking.
 Kamariah enjoying the Singapore Laksa.

This is Li Na's special Singapore Laksa.  Though I followed the recipe but then I improvised and added some modifications of my own.  So it has this distinctive Li Na taste.

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