Sunday 20 March 2011


Many stories are coming out from Japan about the victims of the Earthquake cum Tsunami.  One of the stories that I happened to read was that of a Japanese old man who ran back to his house to retrieve a photo album of his grandchildren.  Unfortunately, (I think) there was another quake and he was pinned down by a pillar or something.  See, he lost his life because he wanted to go retrieve some photos of his grandchildren. 
Aiyoh!  That got me thinking.  What if we have some form of disaster in Malaysia, would I run back home to get my photo album?  The answer is definitely NO.  I'd carry my cameras and laptop and run but not the photo albums.  Besides, I have posted a lot of photos of my family, friends and myself on the blog since 2006 for memory sake.
However, I have re-snapped some of the photographs in my photo album to store in cyberspace.  Enjoy looking at the photos of a very much younger me.
 Me at 3 years old.  Very cute, eh?
 3 year old on a visit to Cameron Highlands.
 Me at 21 years of age.
17 years old here.
 I am not too sure but I think this photo was taken in 1986.
 Me in Hong Kong in 1987.
Hong Kong, 1987
Taken at Sikh Temple in Gopeng while attending my friend's wedding in 1990
Photo taken in 1990.  With my dog Scooby Doo
 Taken in photo studio in 1990
Studio Photo, 1990
Taken during Chinese New Year 1991 with my nephew Jeremy
With Jeremy in 1991
Taken at Language Lab in Teacher's Training College, 1991


Ipoh Afternoon said...

Hi Miss Cheah, you just proved true again the popular saying that Ipoh is the place that produces beauties.

Miss Cheah said...

Thanks for the compliment. Unfortunately, that was a looooong time ago. Now, old already.

Ipoh Afternoon said...

Hi Miss Cheah, beauty exits in all phases of our lives, don't you think? What we give up along the way, we gain in other wisdom, "xing fu"...etc...yeah?

Miss Cheah said...

Hmm ... you are right but then as a lady, I sure want to look good either. No matter what age I may be. Very Kiasu and very tamaklah.