Friday 11 March 2011


My previous post was titled "Ultrawoman" but what a sharp contrast the picture posted here when compared to the energetic me as shown in that post.  I have been having these headaches for a month already.   I do suffer from migraines but then the attacks only come once in a few months and last a day or two. Even the headaches that I used to have would be okay after I take a panadol but not this time. 

My library assistant told me that she suspected that my terrible headaches may be caused by the rusted metal contained in the water that I have drunk and also used to wash my hands and face.  She was very worried about me as I had been complaining of these headaches to her for the past two weeks.  Even today, my head seemed to be bloated and feels like there is a piece of cotton wool stuff inside until I can't think well. Towards the afternoon, I couldn't see too well either and mistook my colleague Rosni for another and called my librarian by another name.  Now that was how bad the headache was.  I am better now after taking the medication given by the doctor. 

When I came home, I did a search on the Internet and found that migraine headaches could be triggered because of a toxic buildup of heavy metals in the body system.  Since I have taken in a good six months worth of the rust, the possibility of my terrible headaches being caused by the reaction of my body to the toxins is very high.

Here is part of the article I referred to:

Allergies and Toxic Reactions

Migraine headaches can be an allergic reaction, either to a specific allergen or to a toxic buildup of chemicals in the body’s systems.

Migraine-inducing allergens include but are not limited to: pollen, pet hair and dander, mold, dust, car exhaust and smog, and foods such as wheat, corn, soy, eggs, dairy, refined and artificial sugars, MSG (sometimes disguised on ingredient lists as “natural flavours”), artificial flavours and colourings, red meat, chocolate and coffee (although the scent of coffee is well-known as a headache cure, the caffeine acts to dehydrate, so ingesting it can contribute to headaches).

Eliminating the appropriate allergen from your diet or your daily life can be a difficult process - especially if it’s something as common as sugar (although there are alternatives) - but it is well worth it. Avoiding the right allergen can be the most effective way to prevent future migraines, short of deep, long-term cleansing to release the allergy.

The body systems which are most readily loaded with toxic chemicals (such as lead, heavy metals, food bi-products, food preservatives, and wastes) are the respiratory, digestive and excretory systems. The lungs, colon, liver and skin are the most obviously affected organs. For this reason, an effective cleanse will target one or more of these areas.

Read more at Suite101: Relief for Migraine Headaches: Four causes of chronic headaches and how to heal them naturally


chimei said...

Just commented on your ultrawoman site. Kesian. Take care. I wonder whether they are any programmes for detoxification from chinese sinseh. Go check and see. Anyway you are Steelwoman now...Just joking. Hehe

Miss Cheah said...

The faucet was made of iron since it attracts magnets. So I am Ironwoman now.