I posted this picture of me posing in front of Rockhaven in my Facebook account and got the the following enquiry from one of my former students.
Syiqaliena Eqeen Nur teacher still young....what secret??story lor...
Instead of me replying to the query, my friend Tuan Haji Hasnin gave his comments.
Ahmad Hasnin commented on your photo.
Ahmad wrote:
"No meat, chocolates, peanuts and all the nuts that you can think of ... plus liquor keep hands off and have a good heart for everybody.."
WAH! This is indeed such a nice compliment coming from Haji as he always teases me and says I look old and haggard. Heh! Heh! For your information, Haji Hasnin and I furthered our studies in the United Kingdom from 1993 to 1995 and so he is a long-time friend of mine. That is why we keep throwing barbs at each other for being old already.
Syiqalinea, whom I taught quite a number of years ago, thinks I look youthful and asked me to share the secret on how I manage to look the way I do now. Is there really a secret? Hmm ... I am not rich enough to go for Botox or plastic surgery. Besides I get squeamish at the sight of needles.
In a way, Haji Hasnin is right about my diet playing a part in how I look. In Feng Shui, we also believe that we become more beautiful if we have a good heart and do a lot of good deeds. Let's see, I have managed to do some of that and so perhaps that also helped.
Personally, I think I look better in my photographs than in real life but if many think that I look youthful for my age, then I think the credit should go to Kuan Yin, the Goddess of Mercy.
Let me explain.
For 4 consecutive years in a row I have been visiting the Ling Sen Tong Temple in Ipoh during Chinese New Year. My annual pilgrimage to this place is to visit a very special lady, the Goddess of Mercy, Kuan Yin. When I first set eyes on this particular Kuan Yin image, I was totally in awe of Her beauty and serenity. I make it a point to go visit Kuan Yin at this temple each year and also to keep renewing my wish to be as beautiful and youthful as Her. Of course, I also wish to be as compassionate, kind and giving as well. Perhaps, it is really by the Grace of Kuan Yin, that I look the way I do.2011
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