Monday 30 August 2010


There was a PC Fair over at the Ipoh Indoor Stadium this weekend.  Most tech savvy people would know that there would be quite a lot of offers on computers and their accessories as well as cameras plus their accessories. 
Though I was not feeling too well as I was down with the flu, I still went as I had to help my friend Haji Hasnin to buy a mouse.  I was also going to buy an anti-virus protection since mine had already expired. 
There was so much to see and the offers were also quite good.  However there were a lot of people and at one point I felt very giddy.  You can see how tired and haggard I looked in the picture above with the salesgirl after spending one hour at the fair.  Nevertheless, I managed to buy the mouse for my friend and one for me as well.  I also got my Anti-virus plus another battery for my camera at discounted prices. 
It was sure worth all the discomfort I went through. 
I am back to normal now.  See the photos of me taken a few minutes ago.

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