Friday 27 August 2010


Yeh! Yeh!  I just received news from the housing developer that I would be getting the keys to my new house next week.  Phew!  That is indeed a big relief for me.  When I got the news yesterday afternoon, I was ecstatic.  No need to worry about where to move to temporarily after September 30 when the lease of my rented house is over. 
Whoa ... wait a second.  I just can't move in yet.  Not even transfer my stuff.  Why?  Because this is the Chinese seventh lunar month and to the Taoists it is the most ill-fated time of the year. The seventh lunar month is also known as Ghost Month. Chinese of the Taoists faith (even the Buddhists) believe that the Ghost Month is the most inauspicious time of the year.  Activities like travelling, weddings, moving to a new house and even swimming are suspended.  It is also not advisable to play the flute and wind bells at night, as it will draw bad spirits.  As a practising Taoist, I for the life of me will not even think of moving house anywhere from 9th August until 8th September. 
Anyway, I think that the Deities have been kind to me and somehow the timing is just right.  Next week, I will go to the housing developer's office and make the payment to have the electricity and water supply.  Then I will go look for the people to install the grills for the door and house for security and also the people to lay the homogeneous tiles for the car porch.  Then look for kitchen cabinets and get them installed and then get the people to intall the lighting, fan and other electrical equipment and so on.  Yeeesss!!! That would just be enough time for me to start moving the furniture on either Friday the 10th.  This is during the holidays which suits me just fine.  I have targeted Saturday the 18th of September to officially move in as it is the 11th day of the eighth lunar month which is mighty auspicious for Red Occasions and it is also Saturday so that my mum, aunt and other family members can also attend.
Do keep visiting to see me going about moving into my new house.


ennie said...

Lina, last year towards end of chinese 6th moon, I get contractor to start doing the kitchen cabinet, then continue the job during 7th moon, and i moved in 2nd day of 8th moon. People advised me, cannot begin knocking during ghost month, but if began earlier, then can continue. Don knw how and if this can affect us??? Channie

Miss Cheah said...

I am not too sure about the renovation bit during the ghost month but am certain that it is not auspicious to move in during that month. I will confirm with my sifu today. Will let you know.