Saturday 28 August 2010


The Nipah Palm is the among the few palms that grow well in mangroves.

The fruits form into a large ball about the size and shape of a soccer-ball, rising from the mud on a stick. When it ripens, the ball breaks away and breaks up into individual fruits. These float away and may even germinate as they float.

Uses as food: Before the inflorescence blooms, it is tapped to collect a sweet sap. Young Nipah Palm shoots can be eaten. The petals of the flower can be brewed to make an aromatic tea.

The immature fruits are white translucent and hard jelly-like. Called attap chee, they are a common ingredient in local desserts.

Buah kabung is especially popular during the Ramadhan month when the Muslims eat it for its fibrous texture. There are canned buah kabung but they are sometimes too mushy. So, I prefer to find those freshly packed sold at cold section in the supermarket. It can be stored in a fridge for several weeks.

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