Monday 14 June 2010


Bahasa Melayu: Pokok Cermai

I bought this Cermai plant for the Fruit Garden in my school more than a year ago.  I had been waiting and waiting for it to bear fruit and it finally did.  I had a pleasant surprise waiting for me when I checked on the trees last Friday. 

Here is some info about this plant which is nicknamed Anggur Malaysia or Malaysian Grapes by the village folks.
English: Otaheite gooseberry, Malay gooseberry, Star gooseberry
Scientific name: Phyllanthus acidus L.
  Family:  Euphorbiaceae
This is a Cermai tree with lots of fruit.  Hopefully the tree that I planted would have so many fruits as well, then I can preserve them.


Mamaafzal said...

I used to like this fruit when i was a little taste so sour and i always crush them with 'gula merah' and 'cili padi'.it is good for an appetizer. it tasted really delicious! yum! yum!

Miss Cheah said...

Thanks for sharing your way of eating cermai. I shall give it a try.