Tuesday 1 June 2010


S.H.E.  -  Hebe, Selina and Ella

We often see people professing their love in unique situations when watching a movie or a television series but those who attended a recent S.H.E. concert got to witness first hand the declaration of love of Selina's boyfriend to her.  Wow!  This is really romantic. 
Want to know more?  Then read the article below.

The boyfriend, Lawyer Richard Zhang

Boyfriend's confession at S.H.E concert
Taiwan's top female group S.H.E received a surprise guest at their concert as one of the trio's boyfriend showed up to confess his love for her.

Lawyer Richard Zhang Cheng Zhong's confession of loving Selina, confirmed their love affair which had been rumoured for about three years.
The event held at Taipei Arena on Saturday was one of the "S.H.E Is The One" concert tour. It has been four years since they last held their concert at the avenue.
S.H.E members Selina, Hebe and Ella kicked off the event with their hit number Superstar when the group emerged from a six-storey high corolla.
They sang and danced throughout the almost four-hour concert, displaying their prowess as Taiwan's 'Heavenly Queen Group'.

Selina and Hebe also held a surprise birthday celebration for Ella, who was born on June 18.
But it was Zhang who stole the limelight towards the end of the show.
During the second encore, he stood up with a microphone in his hand and said: "I am just an ordinary fan, a fan who likes S.H.E and among them, I especially like Selina.

"I hope that S.H.E will not have to stop singing because of me. Wife, I love you!"
Selina was so shocked she started crying as the 12,000 fans cheered and shouted: "Propose! Propose!"
The concert ended with S.H.E singing their debut song Not Yet Lovers.
Selina was still in tears and so touched by Zhang's words that she needed Hebe and Ella to help walk her to backstage.
Later at a party to celebrate the successful of the concert, Selina also expressed her love for Zhang and declared: "Ah Zhong, I love you."
Ella said Zhang had sought their's advice while planning for his act at the concert, as he worried that it might affect the group's future.
"We told him: Don't care about us, as long as both of you love each other," replied Ella.
Selina said she was relieved as she could finally reveal her love affair.

Sources: http://www.dailychilli.com/buzz/4079-boyfriends-confession-at-she-concert

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