Monday 10 May 2010


I had planned to go to my traditional masseur this evening as I had sprained my arms while lifting a big plant.  When I reached the place, I found that he was treating an Indian man.  At the same time there were five others waiting in line to be treated.  So I said I'd go back in half and hours time.  In the meantime, I decided to go and have a looksee at my housing area.
I saw my friend Daniel at his new house.  He was observing the workers welding the grill on to his front doorway.  Of course, I got down from the car to get a better look.  I too would need to have the grill fixed and have already decided I wanted the design just like Daniel's.
Daniel gave me a lot of advice and ideas on what to do.  He also gave me an estimate of how much he had spent so that I would have an idea of how much money I need to set aside. Hmm ... there is more to buying a new house than just paying money and moving in.  Wow!  I have now to think of the lighting and also the fans to instal not to mention the grill and the tiles for the porch.  Would I need to put the flowery plaster ceiling?  It truly is quite stressful and I had a headache because of it.
Thank goodness I went to see the massage sifu and under his calming hands, he managed to ease my tension and also my strained muscles.

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