Thursday 1 April 2010


A pot of Sweet Watercress soup using just 1 kg watercress, 400 gm of dried honey dates, water

Here is a drink that is said to be very effective in cleansing our lungs of toxins.

Nutritious, Lung Cleansing Watercress Drink (for 6 persons)

Ingredients -
1 kg of watercress, use stems and leaves
1 cup of dried honey dates (mutt joe in Cantonese),
1 1/2 cups dried red dates
4 litres of water

Put all ingredients in a pot or slow cooker, bring to a boil, remove any “scum” that is floating at the top, bring down the heat to low and simmer the soup for 4 hours (minimum).

** Note - If you are only using either the honeyed dates or the red dates, then double the amount.
** If the soup is boiled for about an hour or so, then it is drunk for its cooling properties and is suitable when your body is heaty with symptoms of sore gums, sore throat, headaches, flu.


1 comment:

ping said...

Hi, I was searching for this recipe after having a drink similar to this at pudu and have chanced upon your post. I will be trying this out soon. Thanks.