Wednesday 7 April 2010


My little friend Qotadah has not been feeling well for a few weeks.  His tonsil is swollen and there is a possibility that he might to have it removed.  His mum says that the doctor is monitoring his situation and will come to a decision later on. 
For the Chinese if a child falls sick easily, they would usually get foster parents or give them to deities as godchildren.  In this way, the child would get protection from an extra set of parents.  The Malays and some Chinese also believe in a ritual whereby they symbolically 'sell off' their children to another couple if the child is sickly.  The child would be 'bought' for a token sum of 25 sen or 50 sen.  The child will of course live with his own parents.  This ritual is said to be very effective as many people whom I have interviewed said their children became healthy after being 'sold'.

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