Monday 12 April 2010


Every year when my birthday approaches I begin to worry as from experience there would usually be some unpleasant thing that would happen to me.  On my birthday last year, my mum became very, very ill.  She even fell down and hit her head against the table.  My beloved Aunt Cheah Moy passed away on my birthday in 1997.  There was one year when I became the victim of a snatch thief, a day after my birthday.  I was dragged about 5 feet along the tar road.  I still bear the scar of my injury on my knee until today.  There was one year when I was cheated a couple of days after my birthday.  However, there are also years when nothing happened and I celebrated my birthday happily. 
However, it happened again this year. Yesterday, I got a call from my landlord informing me that he is putting his house up for sale.  He wanted to sell it for RM115,00 and asked if I'd be interested.  I told him no.  Why?  Ask Kamariah and Haji Hasnin.  Both who have visited me said that I shouldn't as the house is in a bad state and there are some new neighbours whose conduct are questionable. 
That was why I asked my two neighbours, Mrs Ooi and Ah Ee to go and look around the new housing estate nearby our area to see if there is a house for sale.  In the above picture, Mrs Ooi is looking at some of the terrace houses that have already been bought.
Here are some houses at Manjung Point which will be ready by August this year but then I am not too interested as the Feng Shui of the houses are not suitable for me.

Aiyoh! Aiyoh! Aiyoh!  Where am I going to find a place to stay?  Please God, let me find a house that I like and that I can buy.  This would be the best birthday present for me this year.

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