Friday 9 April 2010


A few years back, I blogged about Jerry Yan being the ambassador for World Vision and he even came to Malaysia to help promote the activities of this organisation.  He went to Mongolia under the World Vision programme and adopted a few children from that country. 
Jerry’s fans have also done a lot of charity works due to their idol's encouragement. There is a main theme for each year as his birthday gift and there will be some charity action for major disasters. For example, there is a Yan Cheng Xu Hope Forest near Yellow River of China (言承旭希望林), Yan Cheng Xu Spring Bud Elementary School (言承旭春蕾小學) in China.  There are also many of Jerry’s fans who have emulated him by adopting needy children in Inner Mongolia. These are very good examples that a fandom can become a platform for charity works under the influence of an idol celebrity.
The latest worthy event that Jerry attended was a charity auction at Xue Xue Institute recently.  You can see the pictures of him interacting with the children above and also of him making kites with the little ones. This good looking young man also appears to have a good heart as well.  I salute him!


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