Sunday 4 April 2010


Keith and Louise in happier times

When I was driving back from Ipoh to Sitiawan this evening, I saw an elderly Chinese couple on a motorbike.  The wife who was riding pillion was holding things that they had bought.  For a moment I sympathised with them because in their old age, they still could not afford a car and also the discomfort of carrying a big heavy bag.  As I drove past them, I noticed that they had happy smiles on their faces and that they didn't mind riding on the bike.  Most probably, their children and grandchildren would be waiting for them at home. 
When I reached Sitiawan and started surfing the Net, I found this news article about a man whose life was ruined after he won more than 9 million pounds in the lottery.

Here's the story:

The life of ex-baker ruined by lottery win

Keith Gough, who won a £9mil (RM44.4mil) jackpot in 2005, has blamed the money for ruining his life.

The 58-year-old former baker spent most of the winnings on high living, gambling tables, luxury cars and an executive box at Aston Villa Football Club.
He also split from his wife Louise and began drinking heavily two years after getting the money.
Last Saturday, the British man died penniless and alone at the Princess Royal hospital in Telford after suffering from a heart attack, reported the DailyTelegraph.
Friends said Gough had been suffering 'financial worries' shortly before his death.
"Keith always put a brave face on things but he was financially screwed. A combination of carelessness, naivety and generosity left him skint and he was finding it hard to get back on his feet.
"I know the stress of not being able to pay his way was weighing on his mind," a friend said.
During an interview with the News of the World last year, Gough said: "My life was brilliant but the lottery has ruined everything."
"What's the point of having money when it sends you to bed crying?" said Gough, who was also a target of conmen, one of whom cheated him of £700,000 (RM3.5mil).
Published April 4 2010

 I have heard a few stories of men who had become very rich after winning the lottery and who had eventually squandered all their winnings and becoming very, very unhappy later on.  Hmm... Keith Gough won 9 million pounds in 2005 and in less than 5 years managed to use it all up. 
Note that he was living the high life with what he had won and never was it mentioned that he used the money to do good for his fellow man.  From my point of view, it is not money that ruined him, it is human weakness that did him in.

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