Thursday 15 April 2010


The 29-year old young man above has been given the title the most handsome cop in Beijing by netizens. He is Meng Kunyu who works in Guang'an Men, Xuanwu District, and Beijing Traffic Police Department. Meng Kunyu became well known on China's internet after a few university students spotted him and chose to write about him for their summer vacation homework.
Meng has been a policeman for 8 years and has never asked for leave, and he has never shirked his own responsibility rain or shine. In 8 years of service, Meng Kunyu was awarded 1 first-class, 1 second-class and 3 third class medals, he was named "Youth law enforcement model," "Olympic transport security model", "Smile Beijing traffic police Star" this year, and he also received the capital, "May 1" Labor Medal. The name "Most handsome traffic police officer" is dedicated to him to praise him as the most fashionable police officer.
I think that there might be a mix up in translation from Chinese to English as to the word 'handsome', in mandarin it is referred to as "pang" which can also mean great.  I suspect that the netizens initial meaning was that instead of handsome.  Officer Meng is pleasant looking enough but is definitely not in the league of Jerry Yan, Wu Chun, Vic Zhou or Blue Lan when it comes to being most handsome. 

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