Monday 19 April 2010


Aarif Lee 李治廷 receiving the award for Best Newcomer in the Hong Kong Film Awards which was held on 18th April, 2010.
Aarif's  Cover for his album "Jin Tian Kai Shi"
(Picture Source:

I watched the Hong Kong Film awards on Wah Lai Toi last night and took note of the young actor who won the best newcomer award, Aarif Lee. What a unique name for a Chinese actor, right?  We in Malaysia would be more familiar with the spelling 'Arif" which means 'mental ', 'knowledgeable' and 'wise' (literally, "one who knows") in Arabic.  The Arabic name came about because twenty- three year old Hong Kong born Aarif has a dad who is part Chinese and part Malay.  No doubt he can pass off as a younger version of Wang Lee Hom but Fei Xiang?  No way.  Though he does look a bit like Bruce Lee at certain angles.
Good looks aside, the boy lives up to his name Arif as he is a talented singer songwriter and now an award winning actor.  He studied at the Imperial College in England for four years before going back to Hong Kong to pursue a career in music.What else can he do? 
Like the Chinese, the Malays believe that the name they choose for their children would somehow determine their character.  To the Chinese a good name for a child is very important as  they believe a name may somehow determine the future of the child. Therefore, all possible factors must be taken into account when they are naming their children. So my Muslim friends who may be blessed with a son in future might consider naming their sons, Arif.  If they want it to be more special, they can spell it Aarif. 


Anonymous said...

Hello there....just stoping by because I googled about Aarif Lee and your blog poped-up.
Just as you are, I was curious about this young lad's name. And I gained some infos from you...thanks!

Miss Cheah said...

Glad to be of help.

Dara Ayuda said...

is he a moslem?

Miss Cheah said...

I am not sure. That part of his biodata has always been left unanswered

shener said...

Hi / 你好,

I also came across to your blog while googling Aarif Lee. I feel somewhat happy and surprised that someone called Aarif plays the role of Bruce Lee / 李小龙 in Bruce lee: my brother :D Aarif是在土耳其也很一般的名字。我知道因为我是土耳其人 :D 好像他是穆斯林把。。Anyway, thank you very much for this enlightening post! By the way, what did you think of the film? 是好看的电影吗? warm regards, 马山