Friday 26 March 2010


Vasthu Sastra is the Indian equivalent of Chinese Feng Shui, that is, an environmental science to better our wellbeing and our prospects in life. 
A Rudraksha bead bracelet

Here is the latest article by T. Selva in which he shares some secrets on studying for success in examinations.

Secrets to studying


ALL parents worry about their children’s studies, of course, and many resort to all sorts of methods to help them excel at school.
While nothing can be better than hard work, the children’s efforts could benefit from where they are studying.
According to Vasthu Sastra principles, the ideal location for the study room is in the north-east quadrant of the house; in the room, students should face east when studying and using their computer.
Why east? The Sun rules the east and its energies promote good health and powerful concentration. Children facing this direction will be able to focus and retain information better.
The north-east would make an acceptable second choice, but all other directions are not encouraged, as they would be challenging. For instance, facing south or west will result in children not being committed to their studies and feeling fatigued and lazy.
The study table should be square or rectangular; such shapes encourage energy to become static around them and remain in place, whereas round and oval shapes encourage energy to move.
Clutter should be avoided in the room or around the study area. Old books, magazines and newspapers, particularly in the corners of the room and under the table or chair, should be removed to allow a free flow of cosmic energy.
Try to ensure the chair at the table is not blue, black or grey; these colours are inauspicious and will not motivate children to study or do their work. Recommended colours are green, maroon or lighter shades.
This is not a room that should be cosily lit for relaxation – you want your child focused, not relaxed! Use bright overall lighting and spot desk lighting to keep children alert.
Once you have prepared the study’s physical aspects to ward off negative energy, consider using enhancers to attract positive energy into the space to further assist her.
Also, since Vasthu Sastra stresses that the space and its occupants should be in tune, consider accessories your child can wear that would help her repair her body’s aura, avoid lethargy and harmonise with the positive energy in the room.
  • Copper pyramids could placed on or under the table and in the four corners of the room to rejuvenate the space.
  • Placing salt in the room’s four corners can prevent negative energy from stagnating there.
  • The four-, five-, and six-faced Rudraksha (mystic bead) can also be worn by the child to further empower concentration.
  • Crystals like amethyst, clear quartz and black onyx can also help children in their studies.
■ T. Selva has spent years researching and writing about the ancient Indian science of construction, better known as ‘Indian feng shui’. He is the first disciple of 7th generation Vasthu Sastra Master Yuvaraj Sowma from Chennai, India.



lilychung said...

If your are sevious about happiness ans success, try to find out your cosmic energy first. Read the book:THE TRUTH OF UPS AND DOWNS, COSMIC INEQUALITY.There are documentation of global celebrities to prove the validity of theimpact of cosmic flows.

lilychung said...

Sharing article on c cosmic flows.

I like to share an article on the impact of cosmic flows on lives.

How Cosmic Flow (of metal) Destroyed a Mathematics Professor

In the last few weeks, I had published a few articles on how cosmic flows impact lives on some web sites. One of them showed how they put Thomas Edison’s life from an idiot to a genius. This time we have a story on a living celebrity: Ted Kaczynski who had mailed 16 bombs to hurt/kill innocent people.
His energy system by birth is fully illustrated in my book: The Truth of Ups and Downs, Cosmic Inequality. Every one can map out their cosmic energy by using the calendars and following the procedure discussed in the book. Limited by space, we will focus on how the flow impacts his destiny.
He was born as a plant in a metal month of May and in a wood day. As a plant (t) supported by sufficient water and some warm earth, he should have a good life. By his luck cycle in early part of life, he had more than 20 years of abundant sunlight brightened up his leaves and added glamour to his life.
He was a bright student, entered Harvard at 16, completed Ph. D. in math from University of Michigan at 25, and became the professor in Berkeley. Why did he voluntarily quit in 2 years and began a rootless life as a criminal?
His glamour began to dwindle as he departed the fire energy and entered the earth period at 25. He felt the impact but hanged on as the good earth was supporting. However, by 1971, a metal year in the cosmos, at the age of 29, he entered the ground metal period of his own luck cycle. The powerful metal was constantly chopping his roots, threatening his social foothold. He could barely stand up. He quit the post. This underground metal influence continued till age 54, leaving him rootless all along. He barely dragged by with some support from his family.
As a withering plant, in low energy he became disoriented and acted on illusion, shifting his anger on someone. Somehow he seemed to have identified the source of pain, the metal; in blind impulse, he used fire to melt the metal to relieve the pain, and sending bombs stood out as the most effective. In fact, he enjoyed making and testing bombs, a way to release pain from the metal effect.
Checking the 16 bombs he mailed out, we found an interesting cosmic truth? One thing strikingly stands out: the days of his mail happened to bear heavy metal energy. These events are clearly documented and discussed in the book:THE TRUTH OF UPS AND DOWNS, COSMIC INEQUALITY.

Miss Cheah said...

Thanks for the input. I'll try and read up on the subject. Cheers.

lilychung said...

Solutions beyond Human Logic

We have all been through ups and downs in the course of our lives. Why does a person whose endowments don't change go through a life of dramatic ups and downs?
Why did Richard Nixon become the US president at age 55? Could he have avoided the Watergate incident? Why did Superman Man incur a fatal fall from a horse while he excelled so much in so many sports? Would the knowing the cosmic impact avert the incident?
John Jr. Kennedy had his four vital events occurred in the interval of a 12-year period: death of father, 1963, death of step-father, 1975, resign from prosecutor post, 1987, death, 1999. Reasons? Why did Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis marry twice in a metal years and widowed twice in the wood years? Why did Linda Evans (Dynasty actress) broke all her relationships in wood years? Why did Ingrid Bergman commit marital affairs at age 38-41?
Why did Robert Taylor make 7 movies (the highest production in one single year in his life) in 1935 (a powerful wood year) and, no movie in 1945 and 1961 (powerful metal years)? How did metal flow destroy a mathematics professor (Tek Kaczynski)? Knowing the cosmic, could he have lived a different life?
We live under the mercy of the cosmic flows! The Truth of Ups & Downs , Cosmic Inequality illustrates a procedure to understand our personal cosmic flow and how to properly attune to it with the use of perpetual lunar calendars. The procedure is called the 4-pillars or Bazi, long popularly discussed but never properly documented.
The book includes many simple guidelines and an easy fool-proof procedure to map and read our cosmic energy. It has 110 years of lunar calendars on tracts of cosmic flows by year, month and days for easy tracking on its move.

Miss Cheah said...

Wow! Thanks for giving me the extra information. I really appreciate it.
I will read them later as I need to do some Feng Shui audit for two of my visitors who have written in to ask me for advice.