Tuesday 23 March 2010


This little guy seems to have taken Taiwan by storm.  He has made appearances in two of Taiwan's hit dramas, Autumn Concerto and Down with Love.  Currently he is appearing in another, PS Man.  I think all the adults can't seem to get enough of this cute and adorable little boy nicknamed Xiao Xiao Bin (小小彬). 
However, there were also questions raised about whether he would he suffering from overexposure.  That would be sad, wouldn't it?
I think those people who are managing him should space out the appearances for him and let him have some time to grow up and do what little boys normally do.  I am sure he has a long way more to go in the entertainment business.
Info about Xiao Xiao Bin
Real Name: Wen Xuan Ye (温玄烨)

Artiste Name: Xiao Xiao Bin (小小彬)

Birthday: 2004 November 22nd

Family: Parents divorced; Living with his father

Father - Xiao Bin Bin (小彬彬), Younger Brother - Mi Ni Bin (迷你彬)



cloudlee said...

Miss Cheah, i really love xiao bin bin小彬彬so much cos he is sososososo cute especially in Autumn's Concerto.

cloudlee said...

Miss Cheah, i felt very sad cos some ppl gave a very bad comment to xiao bin bin in 'you tube'.

Miss Cheah said...

I feel sad too that some people can be so cruel to the little ones. Also I have the opinion that the little boy's father and manager are trying to exploit him while he is popular. Do you agree with me?

cloudlee said...

Sorry, Miss Cheah. xiao bin bin is the father. I always mentioned wrongly. It must be xiao xiao bin.
Of cos. Now its the 'peak time' for xiao xiao bin. So the father must make full use of xiao xiao bin.Do u know, he earns about 60 thousand a month.But he really is a genius actor, he is better than his father -xiao bin bin.