Tuesday 30 March 2010


Hong Kong veteran actress, Lee Heung Kam, does a lot of charity work and the most recent one that she participated in was the World Vision Hunger Meal.  At 78 years of age she does put quite a lot of people to shame with her enthusiasm and willingness to help others who are less fortunate.  I guess that is why she is blessed with good health and happiness for all her good work.

Lee Heung Kam misses out one meal for charity

Monday March 29, 2010 Hong Kong
Lee Heung Kam (李香琴) attended World Vision "Hunger meal" (饑饉一餐) activity yesterday. Kum Jeh revealed that she often misses a meal when she is working, therefore she is used to it. She is going to miss out one meal and donate the money to charity. Kum Jeh said she is grateful for living a good life in Hong Kong and enjoys all the material things. She urges everyone to support this "Hunger meal" event to help those poor children.
World Vision "Hunger meal" activity commence on March 28. The organization invites everyone to miss a meal any day in April, and money saved to be donated to poor families with children all over the world. This activity aims to donate money to World Vision based in Bangladesh, Nepal, Kenya, Uganda and Sierra Leone as well as to help rebuild Haiti following the devastated earthquake.
Translator: R.E.D @ http://www.asianvn.com
Source: http://asianfanatics.net/forum/topic/717156-lee-heung-kum-misses-out-one-meal-for-charity/

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