Tuesday 15 December 2009


This morning my Aunt Linda asked me to stop at the Cake Shop so that she could buy a loaf of wholemeal bread. I had parked my car at the parking lot which was perpendicular to the main road While waiting for my aunt I noticed that the corner lot house which was directly in front of where my car was parked had two Pakuas, one on each floor. There was also a yellow paper charm on the top floor and one on the ground floor.
Hmm ... in Feng Shui, the Pakua is considered as a very potent cure and actually having one would be enough but TWO. There are Feng Shui Masters who recommend using the `reflective pakua' (the one with the mirrors) as a cure for adverse `sha' or `poison arrows' facing the entrance of the house.
Let me talk a bit about the Pakuas first. For your information, these little Feng Shui gizmos can only be placed outside the house. They produce adverse effects if placed inside. They should be placed at the points where Bad Qi or Shar Qi might possibly enter the homes, at the external portion of doors and windows.
  1. This hexagon thingy is used to prevent bad luck from Shar Qi if a house has a main door or window homes facing cemeteries, funeral parlours, hospitals, nursing homes, dialysis centres, fire stations, institutions of learning and places of worship.
  2. The Pakua is believede to be able to repel evil spirits, bad luck and malevolent people when placed on top of main doors.
  3. They are also used to diffuse killing Qi or otherwise known as poison arrow from lamp posts, straight poles, trees and oppressing large building situated very close or directly in front of the house.
  4. It is a potent cure for Shar Qi (poison arrows) coming from sharp angles, corners of buildings and roof ridges of neighbours' houses pointing at ones front doors.
  5. The Pakua is also a Feng Shui remedy for continuous rushing Qi on a T-intersection, a street that ends at the front yard with on coming traffic heading straight towards the house.
  6. The Pakua is used to deflect any harmful Qi or negative energy that comes into the house through the maindoor.

According to Feng Shui principles, if your house has any of the afflictions mentioned above and no cure is used, then there is a possibility that accidents, sickness, depression, psychological effects, or even death may happen to the occupants in that particular house.

Based on what I know, I began to wonder why the owner had to resort to using so many cures. The house wasn't located at a T-junction and the electric pole was not directly facing the front door, neither was there any tree, dead or otherwise. I thought and thought and then ... EUREKA! The answer was there all along. The parking lot where I parked my car was perpendicular to the road which means all the cars parked there would become poison arrows pointing at that house. Note that the house next to it has a lot of trees to block the Shar Qi.
Could you imagine the movement of cars in and out of the parking lot daily. That area just happened to be a very busy commercial area and the parking lots are usually occupied from morning until night. I guess the people living there might most probably have had something bad happening to them for them to use the Pakua cure and also the paper charm.

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