Wednesday 2 December 2009


This is the compass direction of the Senior Citizen's Club that my friend attends in Sitiawan. According to her, a few of her friends weren't enjoying good health after the club was moved from the old premise to this new one. I think she said two of the members who were in good health passed away due to some illness this year. Since I was there, she asked me check the direction of the house to see whether it was because the place was located in a bad sector for the year.
From the reading of the compass, the building faces north and sits on the south. Actually I had only brought along an ordinary compass and so the reading might not be that accurate to demarcate whether it was in which northern sector. However, one thing is for sure is that the facing direction is north and we all know that the north this year is where the dreaded five yellow is. For those who don't know, the presence of the Five Yellow Star brings about sickness, losses and calamities. From what I was told the senior citizens spend a lot of time at the club. They have line dancing in the morning and then they have other activities like karaoke and dancing at night. They might also have some activities in the afternoon as well. Therefore spending so much time and also doing so many noisy activities there, they might jolly well have disturbed the inauspicious energies of the Wu Wang or Five Yellow. Those who had fallen ill or who died might have other clashes in their BaZi and they too might have been living in North facing houses or sleeping in bedrooms located in that position. One other reason that I can think of for those who had to exit this earth is that their Visa on Earth had already expired. In such a case, all the medical expertise, all the Feng Shui cures and sifus in this world would not be able to change the will of God.
One saving grace for Lai Yoong and her friends at the club is that though the main door is located in the north sector and facing north, they use the entrance located at the Southeast to go up to their club.

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